3D Scanning
EBDG utilizes 3D scanning to support a variety of services to exceed our clients’ expectations. 3D scanning is a valuable tool used to gather a wealth of data with ultimate accuracy. Its result is an effective visual communication aid that vessel owners, operators and shipyards can use to make better, more informed decisions. Additionally, it gives our engineers the ability to evaluate data and solve problems more precisely. EBDG is committed to incorporating advanced technology and design approaches to increase our efficiencies and engineering solutions for our clients.
Applications of 3D Scanning
Exterior hull scanning
Interior layout
Piping systems modifications
Structural modifications
As-Built drawing development
Hull model development
Vessel stability documentation
Vessel repowers
Ballast water treatment installations
Equipment removal and replacement interferences
Lines Plan
Walk-through capability
In the Media
3D Scanning at EBDG - Watch Now